Traction Pin Kit

  • Traction Pin Kit in Action


BioAccess understands time is critical for the physician, the trauma patient and the Emergency Department. The Traction Pin Kit contains everything needed for temporary traction pinning in the ED or ICU.

The BioAccess Advantage

  • Everything needed is contained in one procedure tray
  • Designed to allow the procedure to be done by one person
  • Convenient, faster and easier than traditional tools
  • Allows for quicker application of traction
  • Time saving for physician and department

Traction Pin Kit

BioAccess has developed a complete procedure tray for inserting traction pins in the Trauma Bay, ED and ICU. Everything that is needed comes in one box, including a sterile, disposable, battery-powered pin driver. It eliminates the use of archaic or non-sterile drilling tools for sterile pin placement. Designed to be convenient, faster, easier and more efficient. The Traction Pin Kit expedites delivery of care to the patient when time is critical. This cost effective kit simplifies billing for the products and the procedure. Perfect for K-wires or pins.

Pin Driver

The BioAccess sterile, disposable, battery-powered pin driver comes ready to use in every kit.

Choice of Wires and Pins

The customer decides which wire or pin will be included in the kit and matching pin caps will be provided.

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